The Victorian Era is one of my favorite historical times and I noticed that I'm reading less and less about it. I can blame my huge TBR but the truth is that I'm always postponing some books I meant to read and they stay in the shelf gathering dust. So there, I decided to join a Victorian Challenge...and found none. So this is the first time I organize a challenge. Any mistakes, please, forgive me in advance. :)
Victorian Challenge Rules:
1. The challenge starts the 1st January 2009 and ends the 30th June 2009.
2. This challenge is open to everyone who wishes to participate.
3. You can choose the number of books you want to read by selecting one of the reading levels proposed (see below).
4. Send your email adress to oriana.groups at gmail dot com and I'll add you to this blog.
5. You can share your reviews or make a small update of your readings in this blog. It's entirely up to you.
Books allowed (and suggestions):
books wrote during the Victorian Era (authors like Elizabeth Gaskell, Lewis Carroll, Sheridan Le Fanu, George Eliott, Charles Dickens, William Thackeray, the Brontë Sisters, Arthur Conan Doyle...)
books set during that period ( Kept by J. D. Taylor, Fingersmith by Sarah Waters, The Last Waltz by Tasha Alexander, Silent Sanctuary by Deanna Raybourn, The Glass of Time by Michael Cox, The Crimson Petal and the White by Michel Faber,...)
books about that period or biographies (The Victorian House by Judith Flandres, The Victorian by N. H. Wilson, Victorian People and Ideas by Richard D. Altick, Queen Victoria by Elizabeth Longford, Dickens: A Biography by Fred Kaplan,...)
Reading Levels:
- A drink at Whitechapel: 3 books
- A walk in Hyde Park: 4 books
- A tour of the British Museum: 5 books
- A visit to Buckingham Palace: 6 books